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Meet Sarah Schneider

Sarah Schneider, a graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Political Science, stands as a proven community leader and educator. With a decade of experience in business positions within Fortune 500 technology companies, she brings a wealth of expertise to her roles as Founder of the Southwest San Clemente Alliance and as a public school Library and Media Technician.

Sarah's commitment to her community is evident through her service on the Board of Directors for the San Clemente Aquatics Swim Team and her role as a regional Volunteer Alumni Interviewer for Stanford University's Admissions Department. Additionally, she has served as a parent volunteer at Concordia Elementary School, where all five of her children attended.

Sarah's extensive service also includes her role as a Committee Member of the Sober Living Task Force, a bi-partisan coalition of local and state elected officials, law enforcement, and community leaders who are working collaboratively to address issues related to the proliferation of sober living and recovery homes.

A skilled problem solver and negotiator, Sarah champions non-partisan city solutions and fair representation. She is deeply invested in addressing issues affecting families and residents of San Clemente. Over the past nine months, Sarah has been a staunch advocate for San Clemente residents at City Council meetings, advocating for critical matters like sand replenishment, stricter laws regarding drug and alcohol rehab businesses in residential areas, and ensuring unified neighborhoods in district representation.

Sarah's strategic priorities include bolstering public safety, proactive coastal erosion initiatives such as sand replenishment, and responsible development practices to preserve residential character and community well-being. She also advocates for small business prosperity and fiscal responsibility for long-term economic vitality.

Sarah is dedicated to tackling issues such as homelessness while striving to maintain high-quality parks, open spaces, and public schools that reflect world-class standards.


  • A decade of business experience for Fortune 500 Technology companies: Business Planning and Strategy, Market Research and Analysis, Marketing and Public Relations.
  • Capistrano Unified School District: Elementary Library Media Technician at Truman Benedict Elementary School.
  • Founder, Southwest San Clemente Alliance: a community group formed out of the need to fight 3 adjacent sober living homes in Southwest San Clemente and work across City and State government to enact regulation and zoning changes in the drug and alcohol recovery industry, protecting vulnerable patients and residents from fraud. Forging strong alliances across party lines at the City and State level, Sarah is committed to solving problems and protecting quality of life through bi-partisan alliances.

Service Highlights

  • Committee Member, Sober Living Task Force: bi-partisan coalition of local and state elected officials, law enforcement, and community leaders who are working collaboratively to address issues related to the proliferation of sober living and recovery homes.
  • Elected Member, Board of Directors (Communication Director): San Clemente Aquatics Swim Team.
  • Volunteer Alumni Interviewer (high school applicants): Stanford University Admissions Department.
  • Classroom Volunteer: Concordia Elementary school.


Graduate of Stanford University with a B.A. in Political Science.


Wife and mother of 5 children, loves traveling, hiking, spending time on the beach with family and friends and solving problems for her community.

Sarah with her husband Frank and their five children: (Left to Right) Logan, CeCe, Will, Ella and Andy Schneider 

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 7:25 PM

[VIDEO] The San Clemente Podcast Episode #8 Sarah Schneider

Sarah talks to The San Clemente Podcast hosts, Brian de la Puente and Jeff Moore about what led her to run for SC City Council and her vision for our vibrant community. Please listen. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:56 PM

Orange County Transportation Authority (OTCA) meeting May 30th, 2024

Sarah's Comments at Orange County Transportation Authority (OTCA) meeting May 30th, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024 4:59 PM

Southwest San Clemente Alliance Founder to Run for SC City Council

Sarah Schneider, founder of the Southwest San Clemente Alliance community organization, is seeking a more pronounced role in her community, as she will run for San Clemente City Council in the November 4 General Election.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 10:20 AM

Voice of OC reports on Sarah Schneider's address to Council on District Map

San Clemente officials grappled with issues faced by city officials throughout Orange County during the switch to district elections: How to draw voting districts without splitting up communities. 

After holding several public hearings regarding the issue throughout the year, a final voting district map was approved on April 16 by City Council addressing concerns over a community being split in two. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 10:00 PM

[VIDEO] Support for District Map 120

Sarah addresses City Council on April 16th commending the council for pushing through District Map 120 to ensure undivided neighborhoods in district maps and making sure pier bowl is united. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 9:05 AM

[VIDEO] Schneider Discusses Public Support for Sand Replenishment

Sarah Schneider discusses results of Sand Survey and community support for sand replenishment for San Clemente beaches.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 8:58 AM

[VIDEO] Schneider Analysis of DHCS Sober Living Facilities Across California

Presented March 2024, Sarah Schneider presents her Licensed Sober Living Facilities Analysis to the San Clemente City Council to show the inequity in the distribution of Sober Living Licenses across the state of California. In the analysis of the data provided by the Department of Health Care Services, Schneider demonstrates the state of California's lack of strategy in the industry and the massive burden carried by Orange County. Schneider recommends a moratorium on new state licenses for Orange County and that reduction measures be enacted for the County.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 11:38 AM

[VIDEO] Schneider Support of Assembly Bill 2081

Sarah speaks to the San Clemente City council about the fraudulence of the addiction industry business with a lack of oversight and regulation. The council voted 5-0 in favor of this important bill.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 12:20 AM

Sarah Schneider comments on District Map

Sarah Schneider speaks with the San Clemente Times about the problem with Map 111 and how it divides Southwest San Clemente in half.

Thursday, October 26, 2023 12:23 AM

Community Organizing against Sober Homes

When faced with a challenge in her neighborhood, Sarah Schneider organized and led for change, working with City, State and Federal leaders.

Paid for by Sarah Schneider for San Clemente City Council, FPPC #1468811
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